The Research and Development Cell is responsible for the formulation of the overall guidelines related to research and publication. The cell undertakes research projects on multi-disciplinary legal aspects. It builds its research activities through the Industry-academia collaboration. This connection aims to advance education, research and outreach in key areas. They provide a forum where knowledge and understanding of law can be exchanged between the academic and the corporate worlds. The cell conducts research and organizes seminars, conferences, faculty development program, expert sessions, guest lectures, debate etc.

The very objective of Moot Court is to impart practical knowledge and training regarding specific application of law to real life situations through innovative activities. With a view to see that the setup of the actual court does not take a new law graduate by surprise, Moot Courts/Mock Trials are practiced by the students, simulating the actual situation of the Court wherein they get the opportunity to conduct themselves as advocates for the clients and argue the matter in that particular case. This further provides a unique opportunity for them to develop their research, drafting and oral advocacy skills as they endeavor to come to grasp some of the vital legal issues that our country is presently facing. This further builds up their confidence when they graduate and step out and develops the habit of working as a team. The Moot courts are organized within ALC on regular basis in order to train our student with the court crafts, Court Mannerism, court presentation, soft skills involved in Court etc. The Moot courts competition are judged by the legal luminaries which includes Advocates, Professor, Retired Judges, Corporate Legal Advisors etc. The judges of the competition provide a lifelong learning for all the participants and guide them through their rich practical experience. The Moot Court act as a learning session for audience also as it makes them aware of the various distinct facets of law which expands the horizon of imagination of the Audience. The Moot court is designed to equip our students with all possible skills that is required to become a successful Lawyer. Moot Court Committee in ALC is a student run committee under the guidance of the faculty members. Where the student members learn the skills of people management, team work, network building, drafting etc. which helps the members to learn the environment of working in real life. ALC has a very vibrant mooting culture and provides ample opportunities to its students through various inter and intra college Moot Court Competitions to develop the professional skills required for a successful legal career.

Legal aid is regarded as one of the central mechanisms in providing assistance to get access to justice by ensuring equality before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial. At Asian Law College we promote an inclusive Legal Aid Centre in order to help the downtrodden and vulnerable section of society to get all possible means for justice and the society is dedicated to provide effective legal literacy and awareness in order to bridge the gap between the legally available benefits and entitled beneficiaries. Legal Aid Centre in Asian law college works in collaboration with District Legal Service Authority, District Court Gautam Budh Nagar, Greater Noida. The Centre provides ample opportunity to the students to observe the national lok adalat, functioning of jails, courts etc.

“Culture is a product of law and laws create norms for the society. This is why anyone who wants to change the culture of a country must try to change the norms of the country.” Quote by Myles Munroe. Culture in itself is deep and broad like ocean. It includes in itself various aspects like food, dance, music, art, literature, drama, language, faith, belief, attitude, behavior, rituals and customs. Laws play vital role in keeping this diversity alive and create unity in diversity. Law is important dimension of social change. Cultural law Club is organized with the motive of not only appreciating but also practicing this cultural extravaganza. The Cultural Law Club attempts to capture the vibrant persona of the students by offering them a platform to showcase their inner creativity and talents. The cultural team organizes cultural activities round the year to keep the spirits alive on the campus. Cultural activities will help learn skills like leadership skill, coordinating skill, organizing skill, interpersonal communication skill, team-building, time management and improving communication skills. We aim to promote ethnicity amongst students by organizing and conducting various events. Also celebrating the cultural diversity by nurturing the inner talent of students.

‘A Healthy mind in a Healthy body’ – so goes the adage. Sports Club Activities play such a vital role in the character formation of every student. Involvement in sports on campus is something like that seems inevitable for highly potential benefits to students. Many essential life skills like sportsmanship, discipline and hard work are inculcated in the students through these activities. Participation in sports is useful to everybody to improve physical and mental fitness. Sports play a great role in everyone’s busy life especially for students. Being involved in the sports activities help us in getting protected with numerous diseases. It makes us more disciplined, patient, punctual, and courteous in life. It teaches us to go ahead in life by removing all the weaknesses. It makes us bold and gives the feeling of happiness by reducing the occurrence of anxiety and angry. It makes us physically fit and mentally strong so that we can easily deal with day to day problems. Both Sports and studies are very important aspects of our life and should be balanced to gain maximum output.

The Sports Cell was established with the objective to inspire students to be physically fit strong and energetic by engaging in physical and mental exercises, enhancing the sportsmanship attitude and learning of management principles viz. leadership, team work, problem solving etc. through participation in sports.

Literature has always been a medium through which people are able to learn different aspects of life, through different genres of literature introduced to them. Creative writing, critical thinking, analytical mind-set can be inculcated while introducing students to various types of literature, while also improving their world view, knowledge of history of countries and cultures, and even improving empathy by thinking things through a different view point. A literary club can help a person to groom themselves in various aspects of their personality and skill development

Environmental Law Cell of Asian Law College was established with the motto of incorporating a sense of responsibility towards the environment among students and creating awareness about each person's individual responsibilities to contribute in the prevention of future degradation of the environment. Through the cell the members educate the students in campus and people off campus about the need for environment conservation and Sustainable Development through various activities like plantation drive, awareness camps, webinars, Competitions. In order to bring the world a little closer to be aware and to act collectively for global goals and climate change in particular, Environmental Law Cell, Asian Law College is determined to undertake environmental education to bring students, lawyers, academicians and activists on a common platform to define ground level solutions to actual problems faced by local communities.

Law is a very dynamic and responsible profession. It requires understanding of awareness of the social cause and responsibilities. The National Service Scheme (NSS) is one of the flagship programs of the Government of India to develop social responsibility among the students and youth. The NSS established with thought that the students must not only indulge in intellectual luxury, but they should also prepare themselves for final dedication in the service of those who provided the sinews of the nation with their goods and services. Therefore, the NSS is working with the motto of “Not Me But You” which reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service. To fulfill these purposes, the Government of India launched the NSS on 24 September 1969. To aligned with these national goals, the NSS is established in ALC.

The Heritage Club was set up on in collaboration with the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), New Delhi, with a vision to instil a sense of belongingness among the students of ALC towards the rich cultural heritage of India, comprising both the tangible and intangible elements. The Heritage Club organizes outreach activities, student-centric events, and academic programmes for the promotion of cultural heritage.

The Heritage Club successfully conducted an Expert Talk on the ‘Global Footprints of Ramayana and Mahabharata’ on 22nd November 2022 as well as the Heritage of India Quiz (Thursday Activity) for students on 24th November 2022. The Heritage Club plans to organize many more events in the days to come. For this, the Heritage Club is seeking membership from students, some of whom will be selected to be a part of the core team.

GANDHIAN CENTRE FOR PEACE AND NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION “We may never be strong enough to be entirely nonviolent in thought, word and deed. But we must keep nonviolence as our goal and make strong progress towards it.”

Mahatma Gandhi

The Gandhian Centre for Peace and Nonviolent Communication is established at Asian Law College with the objective to plan and carry out activities for the promotion of Gandhian ideals and philosophy. It also aims to encourage and promote Gandhian perspectives on education and facilitate education for peace, ecological security, equality and justice. The Centre is established as an institutional collaboration with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, New Delhi. The MOU was signed on 18 November 2021 with which a wide arena of opportunities is given to the students to participate in orientation course, certificate course, research programmes, cultural programmes, guest lectures and many such activities. With the establishment of this Centre Asian Law College became the 2nd institution after National Law University, Ranchi to have established the Centre in India. The Gandhian Centre for Peace and Nonviolent Communication offers a 6-month certificate course to the students provided by GSDS and Bharathiar University on Nonviolent Communication. This certificate course is available as an optional course to the students. The first batch of enrolled students have successfully completed the certificate course in the previous year. Under the umbrella of Gandhian Centre for peace and Nonviolent Communication the students had the opportunity of Educational Trip to Gandhi Darshan. Students were able to get the glimpse of Life of Gandhi through the Gandhian Museum.

The Asian Law College, Noida has established the Pro Bono Club under the Pro Bono Legal Services Scheme (also known as the Nyaya Bandhu Scheme), an initiative by the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law & Justice. The club aims to create legal awareness literacy among the marginalized members of the society, conducting legal aid camps/clinics, providing legal consultancy and legal aid services to beneficiaries and assisting Pro-Bono Advocates registered under the Nyaya Bandhu platform among several other activities. Pro Bono club aims to proactively engage its students associates in providing pro bono services to people in need of legal aid and also to provide assistance to the Lok Adalats and ADR tribunals for promoting equal access to justice. This club associated with the Pro Bono Legal Services scheme will give practical exposure to students and help them in becoming public-spirited practitioners, and at the same time, it will also provide much-needed assistance to pro bono advocates and help them in elevating the quantity and quality of their work.