3-Year LLB College in Delhi NCR
Join ALC’s Top Notch LLB Course in Delhi NCR
This programme is designed with a view to spreading legal knowledge among professionals from other disciplines in society. Its objective is to impart legal education to the students from various backgrounds and equip them to perform various roles of a legal professional, beyond the traditional role of litigation. The students will gain knowledge and develop advocacy skills which will help them in achieving their goals and objective and serving society.
Eligibility for Admission in LL.B. 3-Years Degree Program:
A student shall be eligible for admission for LL.B. (3 years) Degree Course in Law if he/she has graduated in any discipline of knowledge from a University established by an Act of Parliament or by State Legislature or an equivalent national institute recognized as a Deemed University or a Foreign University recognized as equivalent to the status of an Indian University by an authority competent to declare equivalent provided that:
- Such student must have obtained minimum 45% marks in the aggregate in the qualifying 3-year bachelor’s degree examinations.
- Candidates belonging to scheduled caste, scheduled tribe or other backward classes shall be eligible to apply if they secure at least 40 % marks in the said qualifying examination.
- The aforementioned rules are subject to the guidelines issued by CCS University and the Bar Council of India.
- The College reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student in accordance with the rules.
The course of LL.B. shall be for a period of three academic years. Each year is divided into two semesters. Check our Integrated B.A.LL.B course
Additional Diploma / Certification

This certification provides a powerful insight into the way communication works in the legal world. In today’s competitive legal world and developing economy, effective communication skills are more essential than ever before. It is the basis on which legal companies and careers of law students are built upon and it is also an important component of lasting success.
Whether it is a direct conversation with a client or presenting yourself as a legal professional in the courtroom, communication leaves a powerful impression.
This certification would acquaint the law students with opportunities in legal affairs, public relations, company secretariat, administration and many more.

Diploma in Media & Entertainment Laws From AAFT
Diploma in Media and Entertainment Laws offers an engagement with legal aspects of media and entertainment regulations. Through this course, students gain insight into how the media laws are practiced in media houses to take better decisions in daily working.
Students are required to undertake inquisitive assignments to develop their ability to apply complex ideas and procedures to a set of factual situations. Familiarizing students with the fundamental areas of laws and the various rights and subject matters that comprise this broad legal category is the core objective of this elective. The course explores the theoretical premises, principles and polices that underpin the media and entertainment industry in select legal systems. Issues relating to music publishing, motion picture production laws to technology agreements and information privacy laws shall be dealt with.

Cyber law is an area of law which represents all the legal issues relating to internet and governs all the aspects of the internet and cyberspace along with dealing in legal cases regarding software patents, net banking, cyber security, social media and legal problems and many more.
Cyber laws in India are gaining immense popularity due to drastic increase in the number of cyber-crimes committed in the country over the recent times.
This field of law is witnessing significant advancement with the rapid increase in the information and communication technology.
The diploma would acquaint the students with the knowledge of laws protecting the crimes on account of digital technology and also prepares them to handle digital evidence and cyber trails.

Intellectual property protection is critical in encouraging innovation. Without protection of the intellectual property, the individuals and businesses would not receive full benefits of their inventions and hence everyone would focus less on research and development.
In today’s time, intellectual property has become very important for individuals to understand the it and how it can be used as an asset for the organisation.
This Diploma Programme aims to provide an introduction to the laws and management of Intellectual Property (IP) and innovation for those whose future career may involve the management of IP and innovation. In the programme, students would be getting a deep insight of not only into the fundamentals of Intellectual Property, but also an insight on how major companies around the world maintain their valuable IP assets. There are separate modules of Intellectual Property Strategies, Enforcement of IP, IP Valuation, Royalty and Licensing.
The area of Fashion Law is one of the emerging areas of practice and due to its complex and unique nature it needs special attention and due care when it comes to professing it as an area of expertise. Fashion law is an intersection of various laws like Contract, Intellectual Property, Arbitration, Constitution, Labour Laws etc. The field demands from the professional to perform a wide range of duties which are necessary for smooth transition of the fashion industry. The Diploma in Fashion Law offered by Asian Law College ( ALC) in collaboration with Asian Academy of FIlm and Television ( AAFT) which will equip the students on various forefronts of Fashion industry's legal and compliance issues. The diploma is devised with the aim of preparing the future fashion Lawyers who have the major responsibility of drafting and negotiating contracts, intellectual property issues, export and import matters of Fashion industry , securing rights of fashion designers, models, photographers and other stakeholders etc. The curriculum of the diploma has taken into consideration the basic fact that the fashion industry is one of the most glamorous industries in the world and it contributes directly and indirectly to the economic growth as every individual is a consumer of fashion. The successful completion of the course will help the law students to properly scrutinize the legal issues involved in the fashion industry from the lens of a lawyer and a social reformer perspective.
What is fashion : History and evolution, What is fashion law , Laws relating to fashion industry
Copyrights, Trademark, Design, patent, Geographical indication, Domain name , Trade Secret
Types of Agreement : Licensing Agreement, Manufacturer Agreement , Vendor Agreement, Supplier Agreement, Distribution Agreement, modeling agreement Celebrity/ influencer Agreement, marketing and Advertising Agreement, Non Disclosure Agreement, Franchise Agreement, E commerce and Website policies
Employment Nature and Agreements, Applicable Laws ( Labour Code and Human Rights) , Prevention of Sexual Harassment, Rights of workers, Rights of Fashion Models, Welfare Scheme, Fashion Design Council of Inida ( FDCI)

Under this certification students are given a choice to opt for a unique opportunity of attending an exclusive workshop at Faculty of Law University of Capetown, South Africa which will focus on the specialized areas of International Law and the role of various International bodies in the maintenance of international peace and security across the globe. This workshop will complement the classroom teaching through its practical exposure. The students who undertake this certification will have a global exposure on International Law and Legal Framework which will further develop in them a broad horizon of understanding and interpretation of law from an international perspective.