Asian Law College in collaboration with Delhi Police organised a workshop on Self-Defence Training by Lady Singham of Delhi Police, Shri Kiran Sethi and her mentor Shri Shiv Kumar Kohli. The guest demonstrated number of role plays and techniques of self-defence during the workshop for the students of BALLB and LLB.
Self- Defence classes are important for the students as it helps the learner be alert and provides them with the necessary skillset to defend themselves from any kind of physical harm. Keeping this objective in mind, the Asian Law College in collaboration with Delhi Police organised the workshop on Self-Defence. The workshop was very well coordinated by Shri Kiran Sethi and Shri Shiv Kumar Kohli, where both of them demonstrated the techniques of self-defence to the students. They even called the students on the stage in order to demonstrate the situation of an attack and how one needs to tackle the situation by using the proper techniques of defence. Both of them also motivated the students by informing them the importance of Self-Defence. They enlightened the students by explaining how learning and practicing the techniques of self-defence helps in maintaining the body balance and body posture that eventually leads to a good connect between the mind and body. One of the major advantages of self-defence training, as been rightly affirmed by the trainer Shri Shiv Kumar Kohli is that it helps in developing the physical strength of the body which is very crucial for the holistic development of the student’s personality.
The workshop was attended by the students with full enthusiasm. The students participated in large numbers in order to equip themselves with the basic techniques of self-defence. The workshop was informative, energetic and enlightening as it helped in preparing the students for the dangers that may befall them.