The National Service Scheme (NSS) and Legal Aid Centre of Asian Law College, established in collaboration with the District Legal Services Authority, Gautam Buddha Nagar organized the Model G20 Summit for B.A.LL.B and L.L.B 2023 on the agenda ‘Gender Equality and the Rights of Transgender’ on 14th October 2023.
The students participated with enthusiasm as the delegates of their respective countries. The event started with the Roll Call where the delegates marked their presence for the event. Further, the judges asked the delegates to present their opening statements where, the students covered various policies and programmes initiated by their respective countries towards the upliftment and advancements of various genders and the country’s stand concerning the rights of transgender, gays, lesbians, queers, etc. Then the forum was opened by the judges for the discussion and debates, where the delegates asked numerous questions to their fellow delegates, and pointed out factual corrections and this resulted in a healthy debate among the delegates regarding the agenda. The entire event helped the students to get insights on various national as well as international issues and it encouraged critical thinking amongst the students.
The event was both inspiring and motivating as it helped the students to understand international affairs, the importance of peaceful resolution to global issues, and the importance of diplomacy. The event equipped the participants with practical skills, a global perspective, and a sense of responsibility for addressing the world’s challenges.
Out of numerous students Harmanpreet Kaur, Atul Kumar, Nandini Sharma, Mohd. Mehndi, Vedashree Valunjkar, Gaurav Das, and Divam Awasthi have won the position of Best Delegates. Ayushi Chatterjee, Tanishq Mehta, Shubhansh Srivastava, Ananya Kumar, Abhinav Verma, Isha Gupta, and Anuja Yadav won the position of Best Speaker. The event was a great success in promoting understanding of international affairs, emphasizing peaceful resolutions to global issues, and highlighting the significance of diplomacy. The participants gained valuable practical skills, a broader global perspective, and a sense of responsibility to contribute to addressing the world’s challenges. Such events play a crucial role in shaping future leaders and fostering a more informed and proactive approach to global issues.