Asian Law College (ALC), Noida joins hands with Government of Uttar Pradesh in its initiative of Digi Shakti which is focussed on spreading digital literacy amongst all students of Uttar Pradesh through Mobile and Tablet distribution. As part of this program, Mobile devices and Tablets were distributed to students of B.A. LL.B and LL.B. programs on February 17, 2024.
In a Proactive step towards fostering digital advancement and empowering the youth of Uttar Pradesh, the state government has initiated a program to distribute tablets/smartphones among students from diverse backgrounds and educational paths. This inclusive scheme extends its benefits to students enrolled in a wide array of educational and training programs, including those pursuing higher education, graduate and postgraduate studies, diploma courses, skill development programs, as well as paramedical and nursing studies, among others. The tablets/smartphones will help in spreading awareness about the various developmental schemes and programs of the government among the students. Various other information and updates will also be shared with them from time to time. Information about classes, syllabus etc. will also be provided to the students through flash messages by the concerned university/college/institution. Material of various educational programs will also be provided to the students.
The laudable initiative undertaken by the Government of Uttar Pradesh is receiving high praise from the students of ALC and is poised to significantly contribute to realizing the vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji for Aatma Nirbhar Bharat and Vikshit Bharat.