On Saturday, March 18, 2023, Asian Law College held its 12th Convocation Ceremony at the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre on Janpath Road in New Delhi. The ceremony started with the student procession followed by an academic procession in which the dignitaries, namely, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu – Former Vice President of India, Dr. Sandeep Marwah-President- Asian Education Group, Dr. Lalitya Vir Srivastava- Director- Asian Education Group, Mr. Saurabh Sharma-Director- Asian Education Group, Mr. Gurdeep Singh Raina-Director-Asian Education Group, along with the Dean, Head of departments and the faculty members, were ushered to the accompaniment of the college band.
With their exquisite caps and gowns, the dignitaries adorned the dais. After the customary invocation song and lighting up the lamp, the programme coordinator welcomed all the dignitaries, invitees, parents, faculties, and graduands. All the dignitaries were felicitated with bouquets and mementoes and were introduced to the gathering. Dr. Lalitya Vir Srivastava, Director-Asian Education Group, then declared the graduation day open. The ceremony began with an endearing welcome address by Mr. Saurabh Sharma – Director Asian Education Group, followed by the presentation of the academic report by Dr. Lalitya Vir Srivastava – Director Asian Education Group, all the dignitaries enlightened the students and motivated them towards the achievement of their visions and goals, oath taking ceremony was then recited by Dr. Shweta Batra, Dean Examination Asian Education Group, and repeated by the students.
ALC’s Convocation ceremony marked another milestone too, as this year the college administered its Distinguished Faculty Awards 2023 too, along with the awarding of diplomas and medals to all the graduands. The proud recipient of the gold medal, the topper of the programme, namely Somya Panwar (BALLB 2017-2022 batch) & Anshul Arora (LLB 2019-22 batch) made a grand prelude to the convocation ceremony, followed by the award of Diploma and certificates to the remaining graduates, who walked up magnificently in their convocation robes to be conferred. Ms. Divyasha Dubey was given “The Distinguished Faculty Award-2023” for having a positive impact on students.
The ceremony was charged up with the address of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President AEG and Mr. Gurdeep Singh Raina, Director AEG. The cherry on the cake for this year’s Convocation ceremony was the chief guest Mr. Venkaiah Naidu, Former Vice President of India. His address engaged the audience and took them to another world of proud India.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Maroof Mir Ahmed thanking everyone who took time to attend the ceremony and to those who were involved in making the event a grand success.
The event ended with the photoshoot of students holding their diploma and certificates in hand with all the smiling faces. Collecting all the memories of their journey with Asian Law College brought tears in the eyes but passing out with flying colours brought the happiness on the face.