About Library
Libraries represent different things to different people – from a place where students can go and study, to a service allowing anyone to borrow a book, access the Internet or do research. Quite simply, libraries offer a means by which students, scholars, teachers, professionals, or lay persons and others can gain access to information/ knowledge, in particular to the organized collections of books and other published material for reading and borrowing. Spending time in a library is the best thing one can do to increase his or her knowledge. Libraries motivate individuals because they (libraries) are designed for learning. Learning makes individuals literate, informed, knowledgeable and analytical in his judgements and decisions. Library experiences act as external motivating sources that drive individuals to inculcate positive values, attitudes and behaviors that promote harmonious relationships.
Asian Law College boasts a rich collection with around titles and around books and approximately 2371 e-books that makes approx resources in the library. The Institute has subscriptions to 23 Journals (hard copy) and Magazines (hard copy). We have subscribed to the online database of SCC Online and AIR Online for Supreme Court as well as High Court cases. We have a fully air-conditioned & Wi-Fi enabled world-class learning environment. It has a well-developed book stack, reference section and digital library section which makes studying a unique and a lifetime experience.
The Library of Asian Law College is automated through ERP software and is well-stocked with Indian and International resources covering all areas of Law to meet the needs of students, faculty and research scholars from various areas. The library is continuously augmented with the latest books and journals to help the students keep abreast of current and contemporary issues. Therefore, the Library manages knowledge both in print and digital formats, ensures seamless discovery and access to these scholarly resources, and provides faculty, students, and staff with professional support to find, evaluate, manage, and use such resources.
New Arrivals – Books

New Arrivals – Journals

Our Collection
The function of a library is one of the most important activities. The quality of the collection and its services, indeed, determines the reputation of the library as a quality service center. We have developed an excellent collection of books, journals and non-book material related to all kinds of Law and legal studies. It is continuously updated with latest books and other resources so as to assist library users in keeping up with the current and contemporary issues. The library collection comprises books, journals, supreme court and high courts judgements and other reading material.
Total collection of the Library as follows:
- Book Volumes-
- Book Titles-
- Reference Books-
- E-Books-2371
- Print Journals-23
- E-Resources-2
- Newspapers-
- Magazines-
Our Services
The purpose of the library in modern societies is to give information support to the institutions of education and learning, policy and decision making bodies, industry and to members of the community in the widest sense for raising awareness and education on issues of common interest to the society. Library services satisfy information needs of users through dissemination of information resources. We offer the following services to our users.
- Circulation Services
- Reference Services
- Digital Library
- Current Awareness Services
- Membership
- Remote Access
- Plagiarism Check Services
- Photocopy and Print Services
Online Resources
Library Infrastructure
Library is a service-oriented organization and users are its focus; customers’ satisfaction is their highest priority. To meet this mission, the typical tasks that librarians do are several such as to manage and resource a library, supervise and lead staff, design, direct, formulate policies and apply them to services to meet the information needs of users. We have a full Air conditioned Library reading room area of more than 100 seating capacity. We have a Separate Book Stack Area, New arrival Section, Digital Library Section, Journals, Magazines and Newspaper display in the Library.
Library Rules and Regulations
- The library shall remain open on all working days (Monday to Saturday) from 8:30 A.M to 6:00 P.M. Issue / return time of books and reading materials is 9:00 A.M. to 5:00P.M.
- Library membership is open to all students and staff members; however, they need to apply for the membership on prescribed application form.
- Students are eligible to get three text books issued through barcode/chip on their Institute ID Card. Till the time a student is not issued the permanent ID Card, a temporary ID Card in the prescribed format can be requested from the concerned Dean/HOD for getting the books issued. This temporary card has to be submitted back on the issuance of the permanent ID Card with barcode.
- Library Membership is non-transferable. The student himself /herself shall be responsible for any misuse of his / her ID card. Exchanging ID cards among students is strictly prohibited.
- The Institute ID Card should be preserved carefully as it is essential for establishing library membership. Loss of the Card should be reported immediately in writing to the respective Dean/HOD. Issue of a duplicate card may be considered in case of loss on a payment of Rs. 200/-.
- Books from the Circulation section shall be issued for a maximum 10 days at a time.
- Books once issued will not be returned on the same day.
- Requests for reissuing the book will not be entertained if the book request is pending from other students.
- Sub-lending of books is strictly forbidden.
- Borrowers shall return the book on or before the due date, failing which an overdue fine of Rs.10/- per day per book will be levied. Producing “Medical Certificate” will not entitle a student exemption from the fine. No book will be issued to the student unless he/she returns back the overdue books.
- No student will be entitled to keep the book overdue on the pretext that he/she has got placement/job interview and he/she is not able to attend the college. The borrowed book shall be returned on time to the library failing which the usual fine will be levied on the student.
- Books marked “NOT TO BE ISSUED”/“REFERENCE ONLY”, journals, magazines, newspapers, shall not be issued to students.
- The Library In-Charge reserves the right to recall any book issued even prior to the due date, if necessary.
- Students are required to obtain a “No Dues Certificate” at the end of each semester. Defaulters will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
- Borrowers shall be responsible for safe return of the books to the library. While borrowing a book, students must ensure that the book is in good condition. Any damage must be brought to the notice of library staff. The student will have to either replace the book or will pay double the price of the book, if any damage or disfigurement of the book is noticed at the time of returning the book in the library. If any book is damaged or lost, the borrower shall have to replace the whole set or pay double the price of the set with a fine amount.
- Library is a place for making the best use of resources. Complete silence shall be maintained in the library. Members are, therefore, advised not to indulge in conversation, consultation, discussion or demonstrative greetings of friends. Any defaulter may be suspended from the library for a period up to 15 days decided by the Director based on the recommendation of the Library In-charge.
- “Mobile phone” shall be kept switched off or on silent mode before entering the library.
- Bags, folders, personal books, magazines, ladies purses etc. are not allowed to be brought inside the library. Students, in their interest, are advised not to leave money in their bags, purses etc.
- Visitors are not entertained inside the library without prior permission of the Library In- Charge.
- Stealing or damaging books/magazines/journals, etc. from the library or misbehavior with library staff shall be considered as an offense for which strict disciplinary action will be taken against the students concerned to the extent of expulsion from the institute.
- Photocopying service is available for all students at nominal charges. Photocopying of library books & Journals may only be carried out within the copyright regulations. Before taking any book/journal for photocopying, permission must be obtained from the librarian or library staff on duty.
- Director/Library In-Charge has the right to add, delete or amend any or all the above rules from time to time depending on the circumstances.
About Library
New Arrival – Books
New Arrival – Journals
Our Collection
Our Services
Online Resources
Library Infrastracture
Library Rules & Regulations
User Login (Students, Staff)
Our Collection
Reference Books
Book Titles
Book Volumes
Working Hours:
8:30 am to 6:00 pm
Circulation Hours:
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Reading Hours:
8:30 am to 6:00 pm
If you have any query, Please write us at library@alc.edu.in