There is so much going on in the world right now in the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting damage to the economy as well as the social fabric that we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the role of law and legal education during these unprecedented times, and Dr. Saleem Akhtar (Director Academic Advisory Board), Asian Law College was able to offer a thoughtful look at why now, more than ever, is the time to start a career in law.
Dr. Saleem Akhtar (Director Academic Advisory Board), Asian Law College noted that these troubled times highlight the role of lawyers as problem solvers who can resolve differences and bring us together. The current events have demonstrated the power of law in shaping the society we live in and the opportunities people have. “You really do have the potential to make a difference,” Dr. Saleem Akhtar said, “and to figure out what’s not working and think about how to do it better.” It’s a challenge, but also inspiring, and aligns with the research we’ve done at Asian Law College (ALC). People really do want to get out there and make a difference via a law degree.
For those who wish to take the leap this year, Dr. Saleem Akhtar shared what campus life looks like during a pandemic. Asian Law College, like many schools across the country, is employing a hybrid model with a mix of in-person and online classes. “Everyone is trying to deal with uncertainty as we navigate this,” he said. “We’re trying to be as cautious as we can and support people’s choices.”
Dr. Saleem Akhtar also touched on how schools are helping their students through this challenging time. There are some schools which have provided additional financial aid and support to students affected by COVID-19, and it is also looking for creative ways to help stressed-out students. There are other schools that are providing coursework that addresses the social issues we are currently facing to help contextualize why these students are in law school and the important mission they are aiming to serve.
As we move past COVID-19, Dr. Saleem Akhtar expects that the practice of law and the way law schools operate will be forever changed. Technology will play more of a role in both arenas than it ever has, with more law firms and court systems doing business online. In a larger sense, Dr. Saleem Akhtar believes technology, and its role in our society must be at the the forefront of lawyers’ minds, as must our country’s need to grapple with the various social problems obtaining here and the way the law has both perpetuated, and can be a part of ending, it.
As Dr. Saleem Akhtar noted in closing, the rule of law is the basic foundation on which people’s well-being is built. It’s a noble calling, he said, for lawyers to help create the conditions under which a society can flourish, and that sentiment dovetails with ALC’s mission of creating a more just and prosperous world through legal education.