Academic Advisory Board
An illustrious alumnus of Aligarh Muslim University, Dr. Saleem Akhtar has had a long association of 36 years with his Alma Mater whom he has served too, in the honored capacity of Dean and Chairman of the Faculty of Law.
Hailing from a small village Dibai, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Saleem Akhtar enrolled for a Bachelor’s in Science in AMU in 1967, little knowing that very soon his exalted journey was about to begin. After B.Sc, he began pursuing L.L.B, which led him on to L.L.M. and finally Ph.D. Beginning as an Assistant Professor in 1978 he became Associate Professor in 1989 and in 1992 was acknowledged as the youngest Professor there.
A meticulous, astute and tenacious planner, he has been an affiliate of several distinguished bodies and contributed to the configuring of the B.A. (LL.B) five years integrated course of various law schools. Over his years of contribution to legal education in the country, he has played a significant role in the development of academic programmes on intellectual property rights, environmental law, social security legislation, sociology of law, human rights, Hindu law, Muslim law, research methodology, women and law, company law, property law, labour laws, Industrial Disputes Act, clinical legal education and wildlife policy & legislation.
Intellectual property rights and family law, human rights, constitutional law, social security legislation and business law are his areas of specialization.
An academician par excellence, his aim is to provide quality and innovative education with modern elective subjects related to competition law, air and space law, women and law, media and law, human rights and gender justice to name a few.
An American law school has cited Dr. Saleem Akhtar’s book “Shah Bano Judgment: Islamic perspective” as one of the 10 books to read for women and gender issues. This book was cited in High Courts and Lower Courts across Uttar Pradesh as well.
With all these accomplishments and eminence, he remains an unassuming, unpretentious and modest person, firmly grounded, believing in hard work.