Asian Law College inaugurated its new batch of 5-year B.A.LL.B. & 3-year LL.B. on Thursday, 7th October 2021. The inauguration kick-started a grand three-day Orientation Programme scheduled from Thursday, 7th October 2021 to Saturday, 9th October 2021. This programme was essentially organized to benefit the students who were about to begin a new phase in their academic life.
At the ALC Orientation 2021 Day 2 ceremony that was held on Friday, 8th October 2021 at its campus located in Sector 125, Noida, Mr. Ratan K. Singh – Senior Advocate & Arbitrator, Founder-Chairman – Society of Construction Law (India), Director-Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (India), Advisory & Editorial Board Member-Nyayshastram (New Delhi), and Governing Board Member-Hyderabad Arbitration Center (HAC) (Hyderabad) – delivered a most insightful talk under the Legal Lecture Series (LLS) 2021 at this august gathering.
Mr. Ratan K. Singh is one of the leading arbitrators and counsels who is appointed and engaged in complex, high-value commercial litigation and arbitration. With about 25 years of experience, he has a heavyweight practice in India, as well as internationally, with specialties in construction, engineering, infrastructure, mining, and general commercial and civil disputes. He has received numerous arbitral appointments as chair, wing arbitrator and has represented parties in complex, high-value domestic and international arbitrations. He has a broad experience in international arbitration under the rules of the International Chambers of Commerce (ICC), UNCITRAL, Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA), Delhi International Arbitration Center (DIAC), Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA), Indian Council of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (ICADR), and others.
Beginning his eminent guest address on Day 2 of the ALC Orientation Programme 2021, Mr. Ratan K. Singh said that he thoroughly enjoyed hearing Mr. Verma and his talk transported him to his own college days and his journey in the field of law. Suggesting talking about something different, Mr. Singh said, “I shall share with you what I have shared with my children, which are broadly 4 suggestions – (1) EAT WELL, (2) SLEEP WELL, (3) PLAY WELL, & (4) STUDY WELL!” He elaborated at length about each aspect and forcefully explained how each step was important for the student’s general well-being. To quote his words, he said, “Eat the right things and at right time. Play well because you have to keep yourself fit. Read well to overcome the fear of the unknown. You must study before you enter your classroom if you really want to have confidence in the classroom. And, take rest and sleep well in order to remain fresh and alert during the day.”
Talking about competitions, Mr. Singh advised the students, “You have to realize that there is competition all around but one thing is there – there is no competition on the TOP! There has always been a dearth of very good civil, criminal and other such expert lawyers and so there are always vacancies at the top.” He further stated, “Think Big, Aspire Big. Don’t confine yourself. Therefore, have multiple options.” Mr. Singh also asked the students to “Think like a Lawyer” and for that, he suggested that the students will have to accumulate a comprehensive knowledge about all aspects of law and its various applications. Here, his word of advice was, “A great lawyer is known for the number of good books that he has read and assimilated. Develop this good habit of reading, ask your teacher for suggestions and bank on the library for sourcing your reading habits.”
Taking up the question of “What after LLB”, Mr. Ratan K. Singh strongly recommended “Trial Advocacy” as the right learning ground for prospective lawyers. He also stressed upon the “Hard Work, Honesty and Urge to Give” as some of the key ingredients that make a good lawyer. Answering another pertinent question “How to get work and how to earn money”, the highly experienced and erudite eminent guest speaker Mr. Ratan K. Singh said, “Do not run after work; do not run after money. Develop your skill-set. Be a good student, hard working office colleague. Everybody will start recognizing you. They will bring clients, you will become priceless. Work hard, be honest, and create your infrastructure of knowledge … work and money will chase you!”
Mr. Ratan K. Singh also stressed upon the very important habit of READING and citing his own personal example stated, “Read more … I never sleep until I read something for myself. This good habit will give you the intellectual kick and will get you everything in life and career!”
Talking about the college rankings etc., he said, “What really matters is how much benefit you get from your teachers while at college. Peer pressure is a good thing; read in groups … ask stupid questions, for they will get you very interesting answers.”
Before he concluded his highly insightful talk, Mr. Ratan K. Singh shared some real gems of knowledge about his area of specialization and recognition – namely, “ARBITRATION”. Here, his words of advice was, “Arbitration makes you a better litigator and gets you a global perspective. You will have well-paid lawyers supporting you, who will make you think global!”
And then, Mr. Ratan K. Singh concluded his most insightful talk with the all important words, “Become whatever you want to, but be a good human being!”