Asian Education Group
It is my firm conviction that there are, in the contemporary world, challenges, socio-economic and political, which, if the legal system cannot meet, will destroy it. These challenges are not the creation of legal professionals; nor can they be suppressed by them. They have to be met either by discarding or by adjusting our legal system. I believe that our legal education should address the contemporary challenges effectively so as to adjust to the systemic needs.
In any given society, the law pays a vital role in regulating the affairs of the state including those of the corporate and business management. The integration of law in the field of economics and business management was not rightly realized till the dawn of economic liberalization in the beginning of 90s. Of late, some thoughts have been given to improve the standard of legal education and its integration with the requirements of economic and corporate world. We at Asian Law College (ALC) seek to make it a model by improving upon the various suggestions from experts with regard to the blending of the law to the need of the corporate and business sectors.
In our country, we have immense talent among the youth and all that is required is to guide and bring out the best in them. The paramount thrust is to create an international academic bridge by blending the advanced knowledge and modern teaching tools of the West with the rich traditional values, culture and heritage of the East.
The aim can be achieved only with the support of one and all. I welcome all those who are going to share the feeling of satisfaction with the success of ALC and thank all those who have extended and would continue to extend their valued support in achieving our mission.