The students nominated themselves in the committee of All India Political Party Meet and were allocated various portfolio’s of the political parties active in India. The event witnessed the participation of 136 students from all the batches. The day started with the Inaugral and the Welcome address by Dr. T.N Prasad, Principal ALC and Mr. Ashish Bharadwaj, Head ALC. The discussion started with the Leader of the House presenting the opening statement that also faced strong opposition as the delegates opposed with strong points on the criticisms of the Farm bills, 2020. An actual parliamentary session was witnessed where the representatives were trying to motivate their own party members and demotivating the opposition by raising slogans, tapping on the table, hooting etc. The allegations were raised against various Portfolios that encouraged a healthy debate. The Executive members played an important role in facilitating healthy discussion and by mainitaing the decorum of the house. The representatives raised wonderful points both in support and in opposition to the Farms Bill 2020. All the delegates were told to give a closing statement before the Press Release. After a brief break, the valedictory ceremony commenced, followed by the glimses of the event and the result announcement of the Best Speaker, Best Delegate and Special mentions. The event was concuded with the distribution of certificates of participation and Vote of Thanks.
The Youth Parliament, 2022 helped the students to gain hands-on experience on how a parliamentary session is conducted in India and how the representatives debate and discuss on crucial legislative bills.