Asian Law College (ALC), part of Asian Education Group (AEG) is now accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The journey for NAAC accreditation started with the filing of Institutional Information for Quality Assessment(IIQA), followed by the submission of the Self Study Report (SSR). The Data Validation and Verification (DVV) was done and towards the last leg, the NAAC Peer Team visit was executed to complete the NAAC evaluation process. The entire process of NAAC has been a great learning experience for the institution and the valuable suggestions given by the NAAC peer team during the process of evaluation will go a long way in shaping the institution in a new direction. The entire process has helped the institution to do its Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) analysis which in turn will help the institution to strengthen its teaching and learning evaluation. The institute extends its gratitude to all the stakeholders for their continuous support and guidance.