Asian Law College – ALC

Asian Law College is the hub of advanced education and modern pedagogy to impart good education amidst the army of law students under one roof via various law degree programs. Interactive training programs and sessions take place under the responsible hands with the expertise and excellence in legal or law education under one roof. The institution is one of the competent platforms for the future law representatives or professionals.

Asian Law College Degree Programs:

B.A.LL.B. (5 Years) | 300 seats

B.A.LL.B. is a five years integrated law degree program offered at Asian Law College. An aspirant joins this degree program after qualifying his/her senior secondary education. B.A.LL.B. comprises various interactive training programs and sessions to fine-tune student and nourish future… read more

LL.B. (3 Years) | 120 seats

LL.B. is a three years degree program, which an aspirant can pursue just after completing his/her graduation in any discipline. Law education experts take the responsibility and impart good education and knowledge amidst the army of students for their booming career in the world of law… read more