The Journal accepts for publication the following:
The Journal tries to maintain a balance between purely research-oriented papers and those derived mainly from the experiences of practitioners involved in the different areas of law. Preference is given to application oriented research papers and theoretical papers of extreme originality and liable to lead to further research work useful from both theoretical and practical point of view.
The Journal of Asian Law College accepts submissions throughout the year. All the papers received till May 15th or November 15th of each year will be considered for publication in the month of June or December volume of the prospective Issue respectively for that year, provided the submissions fulfill the publication guidelines.
Format: All submissions should be sent with a covering letter indicating the Title of the Paper, Name of the Author, Institutional Affiliation and Contact Details (email & phone number).
Word Limit: Prescribed word limit of Articles is 4000-5000 words inclusive of footnotes. For all Others (Case Comment/Book Review/Bill comment/Legislative comment etc.) the word limit is 2500-3500 inclusive of footnotes. Each research paper/article shall be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.
Authorship: We allow authorship by a maximum of two authors. Co-Authored papers shall provide details about both the authors.
Main Text: All submissions are to be made in MS Open Word format, Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12; Spacing: 1.5; and in Justified Alignment with margins of 1.5 inch from left & 1.0 inch from right, top and bottom.
Footnotes: Font: Times New Roman; Font Size: 10; Spacing: 1.0 and in Justified Alignment.
Citation Style: Scholar must follow either the Modern Language Association (MLA) or the American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style.
Electronic Submission
The electronic submission must be in the form of an attachment to a covering letter to be sent as email to the Editor in Chief at
All submissions are required to be addressed to the Editor in Chief along with a cover letter, with the subject “Submission for Journal of Asian Law College.”
All submissions should be sent in Microsoft Office Word Format.